Call Accounting

Analyze and optimize the efficiency telephone transactions with CASH+.

Whether it is sales, customer service or internal communications – make every call work harder for you. Log, track, monitor and analyze all telephone transactions to optimize your business and generate revenue – with Total Communication’s CASH+ call accounting technology.

CASH+ removes the guesswork when it comes to employee productivity, efficiency and customer care. Analyze the data you care about, and with access to hundreds of customizable reports and call summaries, you can stay tapped into your businesses’ productivity, efficiency, quality assurance and grow your bottom line.

With CASH+ call accounting services, you can easily:

  • Monitor individual employee activity — whether workers are on-site or connected remotely
  • Monitor call activity to eliminate misuse and abuse
  • Create custom/emergency alert notifications
  • Use real-time cost recovery to help generate revenue
  • Eliminate manual data entry
  • Accurately budget your telecommunication costs according to department productivity
  • Track incoming calls to ensure profitability of external advertising campaigns
  • Collect data and provide call alerts
  • Export calls to popular legal or accounting billing software for ease of use
  • Monitor trunk activity to analyze line requirements

The CASH+ Call Accounting Software is functional, intuitive, easy to use and quick to implement.

Business Communications